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Toshiba launches third generation 650V silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs

by eejournal

 New devices will enhance efficiency and reduce size in industrial applications

Düsseldorf, Germany, 30th August 2022 – Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH (“Toshiba”) has launched a total of five new third-generation 650V silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET devices for industrial equipment.

These highly efficient and versatile products will be used in a variety of demanding applications including switch mode power supplies (SMPS) and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for servers, data centers and communication equipment. They will also find applications in renewable energy, including photovoltaic (PV) inverters and bi-directional DC-DC converters, such as those used for electric vehicle (EV) charging.

The new TW015N65C, TW027N65C, TW048N65C, TW083N65C and TW107N65C are based upon Toshiba’s advanced third generation SiC process which optimizes the
cell structures used in second-generation devices.

As a result of this advancement, a key figure of merit (FoM) calculated as the product of drain-source on-resistance (RDS(on)) and gate-drain charge (Qg) to represent both static and dynamic losses has improved by about 80%. This significantly reduces losses and allows power solutions with higher power densities and lower running costs to be developed.